An introduction to email at PSU.

General Information


As a student, staff or faculty of Penn State University you can obtain a Penn State Access Account that enables you to receive and send email.

If you attended Freshman Orientation or Transfer Orientation, you should already have your Access account. If not, take your Penn State photo ID card to one of the Access Account Signature Stations to get your Access account.

You will be given a user ID which will usually be a combination of your initials and a 3 digit numbers for students and a 1 or 2 digit number for faculty and staff. For example, if Foo Bar is a student, he would probably have an ID such as


The email address of Foo Bar is then

For those of you who have been here for some time, you may have found that Foo Bar could also use the email address

However, that is no longer true. That is, the email address

is an invalid address. SIMPLY DON'T USE THAT FORM OF ADDRESS, use the form
It works, and it is shorter too.

If you have accounts on different machines and would like all of your email to go to one machine only then read on. Actually, it is a good idea to have all of your emails forwarded to one machine.


Forwarding email on a Sun cluster machine to somewhere else


This applies only if you have an account on a Unix machine such as those in our Sun cluster.


Forwarding Access email to somewhere else


You can forward your Access email to somewhere else by the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. If you are not logged in yet, authenticate using your Access account user ID and password.
  3. Under Other Directory Information in the center of the screen, click on Change your e-mail forwarding address
  4. In the Forwarding Address field, enter the email address you want your emails forwarded to.
  5. Click on Change button
You can also change your Access password while you are there too.


Creating an alias to your Penn State email address


The alias allows you to create a different email address that others may use to send emails to you. In other words, if your user ID is fxb101, and you create an alias "foobar", then the emails sent to will work exactly the same as the emails sent to You can create upto three aliases by the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. If you are not logged in yet, authenticate using your Access account user ID and password.
  3. Under Other Directory Information in the center of the screen, click on Add/Change Other Directory Information
  4. In the Alternate E-mail ID field, enter an alias you like. Remember this should be unique on PSU domain. If it is not unique the change will not be updated and you will get an error message. You can have up to 3 aliases.
  5. Click on Save Changes button at the bottome of the page
Note that creating an alias For more information about email aliases, read this article.


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