Other Relational Query Languages

Query-by-Example (QBE)

QBE is a DML whose query language:

The QBE system displays "skeleton tables" - relations with just the attributes (column headers of the tables). The user specifies a query by filling in fields of one or more skeleton tables.

Microsoft Access supports a (very nonstandard) variant of QBE.

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Quel is the original query language for the Ingres database system. It is based on tuple relational calculus.

Basic form of queries:

range of ttex2html_wrap_inline6 is rtex2html_wrap_inline6
range of ttex2html_wrap_inline10 is rtex2html_wrap_inline10
range of ttex2html_wrap_inline14 is rtex2html_wrap_inline14
retrieve (ttex2html_wrap_inline18.Atex2html_wrap_inline20 , ttex2html_wrap_inline22.Atex2html_wrap_inline24 , ..., ttex2html_wrap_inline26.Atex2html_wrap_inline28 )
where P

This is equivalent to the trc query:

tex2html_wrap_inline32 t tex2html_wrap_inline34 ttex2html_wrap_inline36 rtex2html_wrap_inline38 ttex2html_wrap_inline40 rtex2html_wrap_inline42 ttex2html_wrap_inline44 rtex2html_wrap_inline46
tex2html_wrap_inline50 t[Atex2html_wrap_inline54 ttex2html_wrap_inline18[Atex2html_wrap_inline58
tex2html_wrap_inline50 t[Atex2html_wrap_inline64 ttex2html_wrap_inline22[Atex2html_wrap_inline68
tex2html_wrap_inline50 t[Atex2html_wrap_inline74 ttex2html_wrap_inline26[Atex2html_wrap_inline78

except that the predicate P would be slightly different.


Find the name and address of all customers who have purchased a flyrod with flyrod-stock-num of 3.

range of t is customer
range of s is purchased
retrieve (t.name, t.address)
where t.cust-num = s.cust-num and s.flyrod-stock-num = 3

Find the name and address of everyone with the same address as Tim Wahls.

range of t is customer
range of s is customer
retrieve (t.name, t.address)
where s.name = "Tim Wahls" and s.address = t.address

Quel also has aggregate functions: count, sum, avg, max, min, countu, sumu, avgu, any

Function any is related to count - it always returns 0 when count would return 0, and 1 when count would return a number larger than 0.

Example: Find the average length of all flyrods stocked by the flyshop that are not 9 weights.

range of t is flyrod
retrieve avg(t.length where not (t.line-weight = 9))

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